Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm Slaaaaackkkkiiiinnnnggggg!!!! *Insert Sad Face Here*

Wow! So much has happened since my last post! I'm apologies :)

So I'm officially an Indiana University Alumni as of May 7, 2011. Graduation was an incredible experience and I feel so blessed to be one of:
  • 8,562 graduates
  • Youngest was 18, Oldest was 65
  • 33 sets of twins
  • From 92 Indiana Counties
  • All 50 states
  • 91 countries
I feel so blessed that I had such an amazing experience in my 4 years at IU. From moving into Teter Boisen 1 in August of 2007 to Graduation this year, I can't imagine my life without being a Hoosier Girl!

The 2 most important men in my life <3

My rock. I couldn't have done it without them

So now it's time for job hunting, job hunting, and more job hunting.....because I definitely don't want to work at The Blue Gate for the rest of my life! So far, I've applied for Family Case Manager positions in Monroe, Miami, and Lake Counties, a State Eligibility Consultant in Marion County, and Victim Advocate positions in Allen and Elkhart county. The Victim Advocate job in Fort Wayne is VERY promising, as is the one in Elkhart county so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

As for the DCS jobs, the one in Lake County is pretty much out if I get it. Patrick isn't comfortable with me working in Gary, nor is my mom so I'm hoping that's not the only one I get back! 

The next couple weeks are going to be insanely busy but unbelievably fun as well! Next weekend I'm going with my best friend Tabby to Chicago to see Glee live! I can't wait! The week afterwards was supposed to be my sister Molly's wedding......buuuuut as of last night, the wedding is apparently called off. Regardless of whether or not the wedding happens, I'm still looking forward to a weekend with my incredible boyfriend. This is the longest we've gone without seeing each other since we started dating.....and it's killing me :( I miss him so much. Thank God for Skype!

So that's basically all that's going on in the life of Rachel right now. So....yay update :P

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sitting in Starbucks Blogging & Listening to Jazz....Hooray for Fitting Stereotypes!

I had to come up to Indy today to see a dentist about my stupid jaw/wisdom teeth. Why all the way in Indy? I figured you'd ask that. My mom wanted me to go to someone that we knew, and my high school guidance counselor's son has a dental practice off of 86th street in I went there. I mean, it's working out ok. I'm sitting in Starbucks, finished some homework, now blogging and then I'm gonna do some shopping......I had to brave the dentist this morning so I deserve to shop a little bit :)

Then I'm headed to Zionsville for the night.....I mean, since I'm up here I might as well ;)

It's really strange how different the people are in this Starbucks than the ones in Bloomington. The majority of the people sitting around on computers, reading newspapers, waiting for clients, etc are well dressed who commented on my Sperrys....he's totes frat. Aside from the businessmen, there are 2 ladies chatting (loudly) in the corner comfy chairs and one random lady playing Angry Birds....because of that fact, we could totally be bffs.

Bloomington Starbucks are almost segregated it seems.....the IMU is predominantly people in between classes and holding office hours, but most coffee drinkers just grab a latte in between classes and head out. The Indiana Ave. Sbux .....

Hold up...random thought.....good lord this guy has huge, have y'all ever seen the episode of Family Guy with Nigel Pinchley the Brit who moves in and takes over the Clam?'s his picture
No shiz, this guy looks EXACTLY like him. it's eerie......I'm not creepy enough to take a picture to put side-by-side for a comparison....did I think about it? Yeah....briefly......bahahahaha :)

Anyway, back to my Starbucks rant. The Indiana Avenue one is mostly grad/law school students and I'm super mad they're not open 24 hours anymore....just an fyi-sies......

The one on the bypass never has anywhere to sit and has been nicknamed "The Asian Starbucks" by my roommate.....because that's all you ever see there.

Hmmm......I certainly hope they don't have a limit as to how long you can chillax at the Sbux......because I'm A) unbelievably comfy in this overstuffed leather chair and B) feel if I started shopping 3 hours before heading to Patrick's I could get myself in trouble.....especially because stop numero uno is a shoe outlet.....HELLOOOOOOOOO Lovies :)

I'll get up.....eventually.......I mean, I DID spend the first 30 minutes I was here doing calculus homework and I'm currently doing research for my violin lessons this summer so.....I'm being productive? Yes....

OMG the guy that just sat down across from me looks SO much like my grandpa.....I may cry.....legitimately I may cry......not ok not ok not ok not ok.........he's even wearing black velcro shoes.....I feel the need to hug him just to feel like I'm hugging my grandpa again, but that seems ungodly creepy.

Ok so since I'm on the verge of a potential sobfest I should probably wrap this rambling blog up and head to the shoe store.....which right now seems like the lesser of 2 evils lol

Until tomorrow....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finally Getting the Time to Blog....Sweeeet

So it's been since Christmas since my last post.....and I realized since then that I want this blog to have more of a whimsical air about it than philosophical/sappy.....and no, this does not include the posts about my grandpa....those were totally called for.

Anyway, updates in the amazing life of this Alpha Delt. Things this semester have been INCREDIBLE! (Minus calculus) Let me lay it out for you bulleted-list style:

  • We recently initiated 71 amazing new sisters into the Beta Alpha chapter. I love every single one of them and can't be more proud to say that I had a hand in recruiting these incredible young ladies into our sisterhood!
  • This past Sunday (March 27) I competed in the Miss Indiana University pageant. No crown, but it took them almost a half hour to tabulate the scores which shows how close we all were!
  • I have found an incredible group of new friends in the past couple months that I would seriously die without. They're the best group of guys and have gotten me through some really tough times in the past few weeks; I love them to pieces
  • Through these friends, I was introduced to the most incredible guy I've ever met. He's a gentleman, talented, and wise beyond his years. We have the best conversations and I enjoy spending time with him. I haven't felt like this in a long time; he makes me smile even when I'm having a horrible day.....literally, he's made me grin ear to ear when I was a crying mess. I really hope he's around for a while.....I kinda like him :)
So basically that's what's going on in my life right now....happy as a clam, minus the fact that I have to venture to Indy tomorrow to see a dentist because my jaw is all messed sauce. Oh well.....I'm still #winning....therefore, I am awesome :)

Peace Out, Girlscouts ;)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Moving On.....

The past 3 1/2 weeks have been excruciating, filled with sleepless nights and many emotional breakdowns. For the longest time, I just kept thinking why? Why, with all of the horrible people in this world that don't deserve to breathe, it had to be my wonderful, kind-hearted, LOVING grandfather who I most days don't think I can live without. I can't sleep in my bed in the cold dorm anymore; all I remember is waking up that morning and getting that phone call.

Being home for Thanksgiving was needed, and for the most part breakdown-free. I had my moments, mostly because no matter how many times I told her, my mom insisted on constantly reliving that morning, talking about the calls she got and how she'll never forget my scream after she told me that gramps was gone. I know she's having a hard time dealing with it, but after telling her 9 times I don't want to talk about that day, you'd think she'd get it. My grandpa filled the void in her heart/life when she lost her dad to encephalitis in January 1993, so it's like losing her dad all over again. I don't blame her for being upset, but upsetting me isn't going to make things any easier, and remembering the day we lost him isn't the best way to deal with things. I love talking about the memories I have with my grandpa; him visiting when he got off duty at the fire station when I was little, going out to breakfast with him and the other firefighters (something no other woman got to do haha), and Christmas mornings with them at our house right up until this last Christmas. However, talking about the day that is inevitably the worst day of my life to date just makes things worse. I'm trying to be strong because I know that's what he'd want me to do, but when the phone call keeps replaying over and over in my head, it makes it excruciatingly difficult.

My dad mentioned to my mom on that awful day "How do you have Christmas without Santa?" Christmas is going to hurt this year....because it's going to be the first Christmas of the rest of my life without my Santa. I loved that man with everything that I had, and I honestly don't know how I've not lost my mind without him. The past 22 years were perfect, but how will the next who-knows how many be? So many things he's going to miss; my college graduation, my grad school graduation, my wedding, the birth of my first child....SO many things he's not going to be a part of physically that I would give ANYTHING for him to be.

I know he'll be there in spirit, but how I long for one more hug from those strong arms and to hear his kind voice call me his Little Sweetheart one last time. He was, and always will be, my hero. He accomplished so much and impacted so many people in his 84 years on this earth that words can't even express how much he inspired me to be all that I can be. I attribute so much of what I've done and of who I am to him. "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today", "If you put your mind to it, you can do it", and most importantly, "I have faith in you; I believe you can do it" are some of the many things he taught me. Having him as my grandfather for 22 AMAZING years was life-altering, as it made me who I am today. But losing him, especially so suddenly, has altered my life in a way that I cannot even begin to express. It's reminded me to always make time for those I hold dear, because I never know when they can be taken away. It's taught me how always being there for others is not just a good deed, but a requirement. It's taught me that being a leader no matter the situation can inspire an entire community, a community that now mourns alongside my entire family.

Yes, yes this man was a leader. Fire chief, US Marine, father, grandfather, and friend, he pretty much did it all. How do you continue when your everything is gone? How do you continue to move forward when your heart continually breaks when everything you saw once reminded you of how lucky you were to have such an amazing grandpa, and now is a constant reminder of the enormous void in your life. A simple cup of coffee is now a painful event; he used to let me drink the last little bit in his cup, no matter how much my grandma would fuss.

I just need to keep reminding myself that yes, he's gone, but how BLESSED I was to grow up with such an amazing man; one who made people envious of me because he was my grandpa not theirs. Love is eternal and the love that he had for my grandma up until the day he died, and the love she will ALWAYS have for him is something that I strive for. So, for him.....I'm moving on. I'm going to live every day to the fullest because I don't know when it may be my last. Here's to you, gramps. Thanks for keeping me out of trouble for 22 you can work in co-op with the big man upstairs to make sure everything stays just peachy <3

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nothing Heals a Broken Heart but Time

On March 24, 1926 in a small town, a baby was born. His parents didn't know it, but he would grow up to be an amazing man who would be loved by all who knew him. This little boy had a rough childhood; he grew up in an orphanage until a wonderful foster family took him in to call him their own. From there on out, he was loved and cared for as if he was one of their own.

            As the years went by, this little boy grew into a strapping young man. He knew he wanted more in life, so he decided to serve his country as a US Marine during WWII. After he returned home, he married a beautiful young woman and settled down to start a family. He continued his service as a firefighter, eventually becoming chief of a small town department. Affectionately nicknamed “Whitey” because of his brilliantly light hair, he was loved by the entire community, but most of all his family.

            He went on to have 5 children; 2 girls and 3 boys. They lived a happy life in their quiet small town, a happy life filled with all the qualities that movies are made of. Christmases in front of the tree as a family, homemade Easter outfits, boyscout camping trips, and, most importantly, an abundance of love. As the children grew up and began to leave the nest, the man and his wife loved each other more and more with each passing day. Once the last of their children had married and started his life, they moved from their family home to a small farm where they could live out their golden years in the peace and quiet of the country surrounded by their grandchildren. Nothing meant more to him than his family. Not his cars, not his collection of antiques, not his perfectly up kept yard. No, it was his family that he was most proud of.

            On November 3, 2010, this beautiful life came to an end. This man was my grandfather; my rock,  my hero, and my confidant. Getting the call saying he's gone and never getting a chance to say goodbye is something that I will always hold in my heart as the worst moment of my life. He gave me everything a granddaughter could ever want or need, but more importantly he supported me in everything that I EVER did, regardless of how extreme or stupid it may have seemed. The violin, golfing, prancing around onstage at a pageant; he was always there when he could be cheering me on from the crowd. I was his first granddaughter and he was my "fuddy duddy" as I used to call him as a child, grasping his earlobes as I giggled. When things went sour, I called my grandpa. When I got good news, I called my grandpa. Now, I have to remain strong. I need to accept that although I'll never share another cup of coffee with him, I'll never feel his comforting embrace, and I'll never see his face light up as I walk through the door after being away at school, I'll have him with me wherever I go watching over me in everything that I do. I was looking so VERY forward to him seeing me walk in May as I received my B.A. from IU, but now I know he’ll have the best seat in the house; even better than the one that I’ll have. Words cannot describe how much I love him or how much I’ll miss him. I was lucky enough to have this wonderful man as my grandfather for 22 years, and feel so unbelievably sorry for anyone who didn’t get to know him. My life will never be the same, and I long for the chance to tell him “I Love You” and hear him call me his little sweetheart one last time. Everything happens for a reason, and though I'm still searching for what this reason really is, I know God will grant me the strength to make it through this devastating time. As long as I rely on my faith, my family, and my friends, I know that I'll have more than enough support to move forward and be the woman I know he'd want me to be. Grandpa: no one can even fathom how much I’m going to miss you. Hope you’re having a nice cup of coffee with Uncle Max right now…and you two don’t cause too much trouble together. I love you to the moon and back.

I would be lost without the support of my friends, sisters, and extended family during this difficult time. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything that you have done. The thoughts, prayers, and kind words have kept me going today and words can never express exactly how much they mean. I love you all <3

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Wore Purple Today; Did You?

Today (technically yesterday, but since I haven't slept yet we're gonna say it's still today), I wore purple in honor of the 6 boys who recently committed suicide. I wore purple for equality. I wore purple to show my advocacy for the LGBT community. I'm straight, but not narrow.

The bullying and intolerance in schools needs to stop. One suicide is horrible, but 6 is beyond tragic. I grew up in the epitome of a conservative community. Gays, teenage mothers, rebels, etc were all frowned upon. I graduated with 3 gay guys (only 2 were out in high school) and one lesbian (who only came out recently). The guy who was openly gay.....and by openly gay I mean he carried a purse and wore makeup (I adore him!)....was taunted on a daily basis by those who didn't understand him. That's the main point....understanding. People judge because they don't UNDERSTAND. They resent those who are different, which occasionally results in violent outbursts towards these individuals.

Stop the hatred. Stop the violence. Live your life, love those in it, and embrace the eccentricities of those around you; they may be the ones you need to rely on in the end.

NOH8 <3

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just had a "Holy Crap!" Moment

I've been thinking a lot lately about grad school, my future, and how my days at IU are dwindling all too fast. I made an executive decision that, if I can find an 8 weeks class to replace it, I'm going to drop my Gender & Society class (because I cannot stand it any longer) and in the process I discovered how to check my requirements for my degree. My internal dialogue was all over the place....

"Why the hell am I still listed as a Psych major? They didn't listen AGAIN?! The bastards...."

"Whoa! WHOA! WHOA! I've taken NINE more sociology hours than I needed? Hmm...I wonder how many more hours I need to graduate....."

*scrolls down*


Ok, so for those that don't know....I started my splendiloquent journey here at IU as a Psych major. After 2 years in that hell hole, I had enough. I had both a professor and an advisor slam the door in my face when I merely wanted help with studying techniques for the class I was struggling in. I was like eff that, I'm going to Sociology. During the time I was taking my last 2 Psychology classes, I took Introduction to Sociology just for kicks. I fell in love with it at that very moment. My teacher was the definition of the freaking awesome professor, the material drew me in, and I actually was able to get help from advisors and other faculty. THIS was what I was meant to do!

Fall semester of my Junior year, I was taking 5 classes, 4 of which were Sociology classes. Although I was later told that you're not supposed to take that many, this choice of scheduling is what ultimately led to me being able to graduate ON TIME! I now know that I couldn't have made a better decision. I'm happy, I'm prospering, and I'm going to graduate in 4 years like I had originally planned.

I need calculus....that's it. So next semester will be all about boosting my GPA with a bunch of really fun golf or yoga or underwater basket weaving.....or maybe I'll finally take that music class I've been telling myself I would take since freshman year :)

So that's all I've got for now....excuse me while I go jump up and click my heels together ;)