Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just had a "Holy Crap!" Moment

I've been thinking a lot lately about grad school, my future, and how my days at IU are dwindling all too fast. I made an executive decision that, if I can find an 8 weeks class to replace it, I'm going to drop my Gender & Society class (because I cannot stand it any longer) and in the process I discovered how to check my requirements for my degree. My internal dialogue was all over the place....

"Why the hell am I still listed as a Psych major? They didn't listen AGAIN?! The bastards...."

"Whoa! WHOA! WHOA! I've taken NINE more sociology hours than I needed? Hmm...I wonder how many more hours I need to graduate....."

*scrolls down*


Ok, so for those that don't know....I started my splendiloquent journey here at IU as a Psych major. After 2 years in that hell hole, I had enough. I had both a professor and an advisor slam the door in my face when I merely wanted help with studying techniques for the class I was struggling in. I was like eff that, I'm going to Sociology. During the time I was taking my last 2 Psychology classes, I took Introduction to Sociology just for kicks. I fell in love with it at that very moment. My teacher was the definition of the freaking awesome professor, the material drew me in, and I actually was able to get help from advisors and other faculty. THIS was what I was meant to do!

Fall semester of my Junior year, I was taking 5 classes, 4 of which were Sociology classes. Although I was later told that you're not supposed to take that many, this choice of scheduling is what ultimately led to me being able to graduate ON TIME! I now know that I couldn't have made a better decision. I'm happy, I'm prospering, and I'm going to graduate in 4 years like I had originally planned.

I need calculus....that's it. So next semester will be all about boosting my GPA with a bunch of really fun classes....like golf or yoga or underwater basket weaving.....or maybe I'll finally take that music class I've been telling myself I would take since freshman year :)

So that's all I've got for now....excuse me while I go jump up and click my heels together ;)

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