Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Wore Purple Today; Did You?

Today (technically yesterday, but since I haven't slept yet we're gonna say it's still today), I wore purple in honor of the 6 boys who recently committed suicide. I wore purple for equality. I wore purple to show my advocacy for the LGBT community. I'm straight, but not narrow.

The bullying and intolerance in schools needs to stop. One suicide is horrible, but 6 is beyond tragic. I grew up in the epitome of a conservative community. Gays, teenage mothers, rebels, etc were all frowned upon. I graduated with 3 gay guys (only 2 were out in high school) and one lesbian (who only came out recently). The guy who was openly gay.....and by openly gay I mean he carried a purse and wore makeup (I adore him!)....was taunted on a daily basis by those who didn't understand him. That's the main point....understanding. People judge because they don't UNDERSTAND. They resent those who are different, which occasionally results in violent outbursts towards these individuals.

Stop the hatred. Stop the violence. Live your life, love those in it, and embrace the eccentricities of those around you; they may be the ones you need to rely on in the end.

NOH8 <3

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