Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Wore Purple Today; Did You?

Today (technically yesterday, but since I haven't slept yet we're gonna say it's still today), I wore purple in honor of the 6 boys who recently committed suicide. I wore purple for equality. I wore purple to show my advocacy for the LGBT community. I'm straight, but not narrow.

The bullying and intolerance in schools needs to stop. One suicide is horrible, but 6 is beyond tragic. I grew up in the epitome of a conservative community. Gays, teenage mothers, rebels, etc were all frowned upon. I graduated with 3 gay guys (only 2 were out in high school) and one lesbian (who only came out recently). The guy who was openly gay.....and by openly gay I mean he carried a purse and wore makeup (I adore him!)....was taunted on a daily basis by those who didn't understand him. That's the main point....understanding. People judge because they don't UNDERSTAND. They resent those who are different, which occasionally results in violent outbursts towards these individuals.

Stop the hatred. Stop the violence. Live your life, love those in it, and embrace the eccentricities of those around you; they may be the ones you need to rely on in the end.

NOH8 <3

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just had a "Holy Crap!" Moment

I've been thinking a lot lately about grad school, my future, and how my days at IU are dwindling all too fast. I made an executive decision that, if I can find an 8 weeks class to replace it, I'm going to drop my Gender & Society class (because I cannot stand it any longer) and in the process I discovered how to check my requirements for my degree. My internal dialogue was all over the place....

"Why the hell am I still listed as a Psych major? They didn't listen AGAIN?! The bastards...."

"Whoa! WHOA! WHOA! I've taken NINE more sociology hours than I needed? Hmm...I wonder how many more hours I need to graduate....."

*scrolls down*


Ok, so for those that don't know....I started my splendiloquent journey here at IU as a Psych major. After 2 years in that hell hole, I had enough. I had both a professor and an advisor slam the door in my face when I merely wanted help with studying techniques for the class I was struggling in. I was like eff that, I'm going to Sociology. During the time I was taking my last 2 Psychology classes, I took Introduction to Sociology just for kicks. I fell in love with it at that very moment. My teacher was the definition of the freaking awesome professor, the material drew me in, and I actually was able to get help from advisors and other faculty. THIS was what I was meant to do!

Fall semester of my Junior year, I was taking 5 classes, 4 of which were Sociology classes. Although I was later told that you're not supposed to take that many, this choice of scheduling is what ultimately led to me being able to graduate ON TIME! I now know that I couldn't have made a better decision. I'm happy, I'm prospering, and I'm going to graduate in 4 years like I had originally planned.

I need calculus....that's it. So next semester will be all about boosting my GPA with a bunch of really fun golf or yoga or underwater basket weaving.....or maybe I'll finally take that music class I've been telling myself I would take since freshman year :)

So that's all I've got for now....excuse me while I go jump up and click my heels together ;)